Build the Body of a Boxer

We often get asked if boxing is good exercise, especially for those not wishing to be a future world champ. The short answer: YES. Although everyone may not want to live the life of a boxer, take the punches or compete, who wouldn’t want to be in fighting shape? Having the physique of an amateur or professional fighter is a fantastic fitness goal.

Question #1: Is boxing a good workout?

Boxing is one of, if not THE, most demanding sports in the world... physically, mentally and spiritually. Because of that, the cardiovascular and strength benefits are undeniable.

Some of these benefits can be gained from subscribing to a basic boxing workout. If you’re really serious, you can “next level” them or you can choose to tone it down. In any case, you can gain the best that a boxing workout has to offer, in terms of conditioning, a to-die-for physique, becoming fighting fit or just having some fun while punching at things.

There are many benefits that come from boxing that make it an incredible total body workout and conditioning program.

Question #2: Is boxing a good way to lose weight? Does boxing tone your body?

First of all, the bags provide a level of resistance. That, coupled with the impact, help build muscle and strength. While, in most cases, it won’t build mass, like weight lifting or body building does, it will provide similar benefits. The more organic movements and use of body weight, accentuates a natural type of muscle building and will result in a more toned, leaner look.

Secondly, most of the movements in boxing require full range of motion, fluidity and extending your punches. This also helps provide that lean, muscular look, because it requires the lengthening of your muscles, rather than shortening. Movements that focus on elongating your muscles most often result in a slimmer, trimmer physique.

Questiong #3: Is boxing better than the gym?

Finally, the third aspect that makes boxing the most well-rounded, complete strength and conditioning program is that it requires total body engagement 90% of the time. Whether you’re punching, moving around the bag, defending against an incoming punch (real or make-believe), you are constantly relying on your entire muscular frame to act and react. You can’t throw a punch without using your back and arms. You can’t slip a punch without relying on your legs and core. If you’re trying to catch your breath, take some time off and just move around the bag, you can’t even do that without using your legs and relying on your lung capacity to “buy some time.” Unless you’re between rounds, boxing keeps you fully engaged and makes you constantly, physically exert yourself. As long as your gloves are on and the clock is ticking, you are exercising. Your “reps” are never over. Your “set” doesn’t end. Your sprint is never complete and you have to work until the final bell rings.

On top of all of that, the cardiovascular conditioning you get from a boxing workout has proven to be one of the most effective ways to increase endurance. The intensity that a one hour boxing workout requires, while punching bags and doing mitts and drills, burns approximately 500-800 calories. That alone improves weight loss and better overall fitness health.

Is boxing a better workout than lifting weights, cross-fit or running? Only you can decide that. It ultimately comes down to what works best for you and how you apply it. What CAN be guaranteed is that if you want to look like a fighter, the best way to get there is to do what a fighter does: box, box, and box.