TITLE Boxing Blog

TITLE Boxing Tips & Advice
The Mastery of Muhammad Ali

The Mastery of Muhammad Ali


Many historians consider Muhammad Ali the best fighter, pound-for-pound, of any era. His power and presence extended far beyond the boxing ring. But what truly makes Muhammad Ali one of the best fighters to ever lace-up a pair of boxing gloves is a combination of traits that few athletes are able to wrap into one package. Let's break these down and look at each one, starting from the top: his jab.

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Risk Missing or Risk Losing

Risk Missing or Risk Losing


Although every bag and piece of equipment has a unique purpose, something about the double end bag seems to make it the most demanding and, therefore, the most beneficial. When used correctly, it forces the action, keeps you thinking about offense and defense and, in general, requires more focus. It can test your willingness to go all-out in training and could potentially expose you if you can’t match its pace or speed. That's the exact reason why many fighters avoid it. When you think about it, approaching the double end bag kind of parallels life. Many boxers, especially when they’re starting out, tend to hold back. They hesitate. They won’t fully commit to a punch because they want to wait for...

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